[MD] On Balance: Dewey, Pirsig and Granger

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Sun Dec 17 10:03:03 PST 2006

At 12:08 PM 12/17/2006, you wrote:

>Could you explain your coherence theory using the hot  stove analogy?
>Imagine you sit in a room near a hot stove.
>It is 8 o'clock on a shiveringly cold Winter morning.
>You sit near the stove and become snug in it's radiant glow.
>As the morning progresses the Sun climbs above the hills and your room  basks
>in it's ruddy greeting.
>You move a little further away from the stove now because snug is becoming
>The cheery Sun climbs to a feeble midday and your chair has to move even
>further from the stove in order for you to stay snug.
>All the while you have been reading Dewey, and your concentration is  in
>harmony with your snug surroundings. Your chair has moved but you 
>don't  recall
>having done it for the motion was automatic and appropriate as and when
>Afternoon shadows lengthen and your chair begins to slowly creep back  toward
>the hot stove.
>In time, your chair is back where it began before the Sun advanced,  and
>perhaps now you motion towards a comfortable proximity between 
>your  book and the
>welcome glow before you.
>Such is coherence perhaps?

Hi Mark,

I appreciate the effort, but I was thinking more of unknowingly 
sitting on a hot stove.


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