[MD] On Balance: Dewey, Pirsig and Granger

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Sun Dec 17 12:41:43 PST 2006

I like most of what you have been saying here Arlo, but I was personally just
starting to warm up to the idea of equilibrium as a replacement for all those
other terms. A system can be in a state of dynamic equilibrium.

Hm. I'm not familiar with dynamic equilibrium, but I'm not opposed to the term.
I was just pointing out that for me "equilibrium" seems to entail rest, or
completion, something I do not mean when I say "balance".

How do you reconcile this with those who say DQ has no force at all [I had
called DQ a "force of movement" - Arlo]. Anything that can be described in any
way shape or form is not DQ.

I think we can talk about DQ using analogies, and that was more of less what I
was doing, extending Pirsig's metaphorical reference to DQ/SQ as "moral

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