[MD] On Balance: Dewey, Pirsig and Granger

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 18 05:13:03 PST 2006

> I don't over much care about this coherence idea if
> it confuses more than  it 
> clarifies.
> It would hurt me to feel i had damaged the
> acceptance of the moq as a good  
> tool as gav puts it.

     Coherence helps.

> I've found this forum rather upsetting of late.
> I don't like it.
> I don't like the cult tone it has - a tone which
> very much revolves around  
> Anthony McWatt.
> I find it repulsive.
> It may be time to leave, and leave for a good long
> time...

     I don't know.  I didn't notice.  I've been
involved in a very good discussion recently with Chin.
 At times, what I've noticed, is people are involved
in a discussion, and somebody may have input, but it
is overlooked.  Yet, why this is so, I don't know. 
This has happened numerous times.  Sometimes it is due
to people agreeing, thus, not finding it necessary to
interject.  I don't like to get caught up in the
political realm on MoQ discuss.  Not the political
content, the political relationships, actually what
I'm trying to say might be this cult stuff.  I Zen it.
 I mu it.  Actually, quietness is muing me.  As I
said, I don't like getting caught up in stuff that is
not focused upon MoQ intellectuality.  So, anyways...
it looked like it rained last night here, something
different to put down for a closing.

wet earth, squirrel hanging to eat the bird seed,

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