[MD] Social Imposition ?

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Wed Dec 20 06:51:32 PST 2006

[Arlo previously]
Explain to me, using this as your example, how "dynamical invention" differs
from "emergence".

It's the difference between an explanation and a miracle (oops).

Okay, so explain to me the "explanation" that "Dynamical invention" brings to
your passage (below) that "emergence" does not.

The cells Dynamically invented animals to preserve and improve their situation.
The animals Dynamically invented societies.
Societies Dynamically invented intellectual knowledge for the same reasons.

Do you think the cells "planned" to make animals?
Did the cells have any idea that they were making an animal?
Do you think DQ is sentient and had a schematic already worked out?

It is clear than the "animal" results from the collective activity of the cells.
If Pirsig calls this "Dynamic invention", it is simply a difference in
terminology, not in process.

You know what happened to Ahab, not that I wish the same for you. :-)

Of course not. :-)

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