[MD] Daodejing

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 22 09:40:53 PST 2006

A "family" is a symbol pointing to a group of
related by DNA to one another, something a holiday
photograph doesn't reveal. 

     I take pictures of my family all the time.  Even
the ones not related by DNA.  Also, I'm watching my
family out the window on this rainy day feed upon
seed.  Cardinals, black-capped chick-a-dees,
nuthatchers, sparrow, blue jays, tufted titmouse, pine
squirrel, and slate colored junco's.  As to how do you
'know' (key word) that the group of individuals have
DNA?  Intellect is involved here.  How we define
family is involved here.  Photos don't say anything. 
We fill in the blank.  And what we say can be debated.
 Blank in the photo, blank upon the earth, and blank
in my mind as to what truth is.  It seems to be not
about truth, and we know this.  So, side tracked we
could have gone, enjoy, experience, notice the
particulars and the wide open spaces.  It's all quiet

quiet, quiet, blank, blank,

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