[MD] SOLAQI, Kant's TITs, chaos, and the S/I distinction

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Mon Dec 25 00:51:28 PST 2006


I'm about to leave for a couple days, but before I go I must revise 
the last paragraph in my last post.  The word consciousness is 
obviously wrong.

The things that are most likely to impact our
_consciousness_ are things that are the lowest of the low quality, or
things that are the highest of the high quality.  Repetition could
also intensify quality on either end of that spectrum.

The things that are most likely to continue in ultimate reality are 
things that are the lowest of the low quality, or things that are the 
highest of the high quality.  Repetition could also intensify quality 
on either end of that spectrum.



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