[MD] Food for Thought

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 27 03:52:47 PST 2006

> You (and Platt) are making the common mistake of
> describing existence as it
> is perceived, and assume (intellectually) that
> events must progress from a
> beginning to an end.  This [SOM?] notion comes from
> the fact that human
> experience gives us a "serialized" view of
> existence; we don't see it as a
> whole, but incrementally and fragmented.  Thus our
> knowledge is cumulative
> and never complete.  The difference between
> existence and Essence is that
> experience is process, difference, and relation,
> whereas Essence is
> constant, undivided, and absolute in itself. 
> Precepts like "before",
> "after", "beginning", and "all of a sudden" have
> meaning only in the context
> of existential experience.

     Well, then, explain existential experience all of
a sudden negating, for before existential experience
there was no negating.  So to existential experience
all of a sudden negation happens.  So again, where
does negation come from all of a sudden.  Sure it's a
matter of perspective, and since you can't perceive
essence, then don't try to like you did above?

> Likewise, negation is constant; which is why I've
> said that Essence is
> "negational" in principle.

     Ok, so, negational is essence, don't put the
quotes around negational, or again, we're just
perceiving from existential experience, which I
understand, so we'll just notice this flux, movement,
etc... between essence and negational, so, where's
this movement from?  It always had to have been this
way, no beginning, right?

> What we experience (I prefer to call it
> "sense") is the Value of
> Essence, divided up into the finite fragments we
> call "things".  Think of it
> as SQ extracted from DQ.

     Ok, but I notice first split of quality, this sq
and dq, as always being this way.  It is an original
first split that had no first split, actually it is
quality is split with sq and dq both being quality. 
No beginning.


gotta go, two long days,32 hours in two days, night
but sun will be up soon,

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