[MD] Sobjectivism

David M davidint at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jan 13 14:44:28 PST 2006

Hi Chaps

Everything begins with experience. This implies awareness
and the world that we are aware of. But it is one reality: experience.
So there is no seperate consciousness or subject or object
possible on their own in reality, just this one
reality that is awareness-of-what-we-are-aware-of. So
awareness includes the experienced world all at once.
When it is not experienced (shut your eyes) where is it?
Now the idea of an independ
world can be postulated from experience due to the evidence of
experience (plus a bit of reasoning). We find that something we can call the 
world changes in our experience so that our experiences changes
from one bit of it to another. Some bits enter, some bits leave,
some bits come back -we theorise. We have to postulate the world because we 
experience only a part of it at a 'time'. We have the ideaof the 'world' to 
the changingness or DQ of experience.  Got it?


I hoped that you were out to correct Gav for this SOM -based
nonsense about everything existing through consciousness (in
our minds), but it looks like you vouch for it. Will we never
understand that subjectivism and objectivism separately are
faulty and the very reason for rejecting SOM?

I know that subjectivism has become the fad and I act the Dutch
boy who tried to plug the holes in the dike, but for how long can I
single-handed stem the tide?


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