[MD] Julian Baggini Interview with Pirsig

skutvik at online.no skutvik at online.no
Sat Jan 14 00:52:28 PST 2006

All Moqtalk.

A very interesting link and do we recognized our pet theory in this 
interview? It does not fit anything previously said, it doesn't 
interest "philopologists", it fails to enter academia and it's difficult 
to understand what it is about. 

What the MOQ might have benefited from was to make it clear 
that it only concerns itself with metaphysics. Pirsig is obviously 
out to create a Q-evolutionary theory (Q-biology), but when he 
tries this it inevitably ends in confusion, as it did when he tried to 
explain physics in a Quality light (the SODAV paper). Science 
and its branches are intellectual patterns and S/Oish to the core 
and the MOQ does not pretend to improve on its own static levels 
least of all  intellect, only to wrestle the metaphysical "M" away 
from it to create its own Quality Reality of which intellect is 
reduced to a mere static level.   

    "The foundations are okay, in fact they are rock-solid, but we never
    got to discuss them". 

They are, but if Baggini would have been much wiser?



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