[MD] New Age++

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Mon Jan 16 04:49:06 PST 2006

To all MOQers

>dmb opens:
>I don't know if I could calculate the percentage of bullshit, but I 
>think its safe to say that there are retailers and "workshop" 
>leaders in the new age category that deserve to be ridiculed or even 
>exposed as frauds.

Marsha opens:
I don't know if I could calculate the percentage of bullshit, but I 
think its safe to say that there are scholars and "world" leaders in 
the intellectual category that deserve to be ridiculed or even 
exposed as frauds.

I have sooo responded to your post.  I am so flooded with 
frustrations, resentments and so many memories of experiences that I 
don't know if I can parse them to make a coherent response.  The "new 
age" label has become a term of denigration for those who seek 
outside the static establishment.

There was a time in the 80's when I was studying Western philosophy 
and at the same time I was a well paid IT professional pulling down a 
very good salary.  I was wearing worsted wool suits with little ties 
and in the cultural groove.  Problem was that I was having nightmares 
that at any moment I would sprout balls.  I have lived many lives, 
both inside and outside the culture, both intellectual and instinctual.

Is there some way to have a conversation without putting down those 
who believe, and choose, to use whatever energy there consciousness 
might possess to connect with something larger than intellect?  I 
think the biggest myth our society has to deal with is the myth that 
intellect is the pinnacle of the human evolution.  To me it's just 
another tool.  Call me biological if you like, but I have gotten more 
out of dancing around a fire/drum circle under the night sky than the 
hours I've spent trying to solve an intellectual dilemma?

This over emphasis on the intellectual may be blindsighting our 
culture because of its patriarchal structure.  Most men, not all, 
seem to be missing the boat.  What experience might Pirsig gained 
from his night in a sweatlodge?  Intellectualizing about myths is 
also missing the boat.  What have you experienced???


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