[MD] New Age++

gav gav_gc at yahoo.com.au
Mon Jan 16 21:53:50 PST 2006

yo dave,
what about the technologies behind the pyramids,
stonehenge etc. we couldn't build the pyramids today.
it is an engineering feat beyond us.
what i am saying is that there is knowledge, of all
kinds, that we have forgotten, or has been repressed
(see 'burning witches' for one).
 the new age is about reconnecting with this mythic
AND intellectual knowledge.
maybe the task of world-bridging philsophers like our
good selves is to accomodate these new technologies
and intellectual frameworks within a larger scientific
metaphysical framework that satisfies us all. 
otherwise the schism widens....on the one side largely
masculine 'scientific' skeptics; weakness: cynicism,
close-mindedness, hubris, ego.
on the other: largely feminine intuitive awareness and
openness; weakness: a fine line between ingenousness
and credulity.
a balance must be struck! and at the mo the balance is
still too far over to the cynical male. 
honestly at the mo i am astounded at how the chicks
just seem a hell of a lot smarter and 'with it' than
the guys. also it seems that more girls are being born
than boys (anecdotal i know)......interesting eh?

, --- david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com> wrote:

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