[MD] New Age++

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Mon Jan 23 01:06:07 PST 2006

At 06:32 PM 1/22/2006, DMB wrote:
>"..., to stop looking at the pointing hand."

Dreams are interesting.  The dream you had sounds very wise for a kid.

About 6 years ago, I had a dream that took place at night.  I was at 
the edge of a cliff, and was suppose to jump to obtain 
enlightenment.  I was much to scared to jump.  Then it was indicated 
that to have enlightenment I had to overcome the fear, that 
enlightenment was the abyss.  I decided to jump, and did so.  BUT I 
was suspended in the air like Wiley Coyote.  I guess there's no 
bargaining either.

My favorite movie is 'Out of Africa'.  I see it being about the 
struggle between freedom and attachment.  My favorite part is about 
the river, and making a pond.  When I get all caught up in fear and 
attachment, I sometimes say to myself, "Let it go. Let it go.  This 
water goes home to Mombasa."   My favorite character in the movie is 
Farah Aden.

My favorite myth is the descent of Inanna.  My retelling will be 
interpretive, I don't have a mind for detail.  Inanna is queen of the 
land.  Her sister is queen of the underworld.  For some reason, that 
slips my mind, Inanna must go to her sister with a request.  She is 
given some hints and begins her descent.  There are seven gates she 
must pass through, and at each she must give up something.  She 
arrives at the feet of her sister totally naked.  The Queen of the 
Underworld kills her and hangs her on a hook.  She is dead, dead, 
dead!  Of course, in the end, she is brought back to life.  This is a 
very, very old myth.  I don't believe it's a woman's tale.  I've 
always thought it was about the journey to meet and accept the 
deepest, darkest, buried parts of the self.  And a giving up of 
illusion and attachment.  In Lila, I see this at the end Part I.

Myths and dreams are strange and wonderful.

As far as people searching with crystals.  I read a statement by 
Agnes Martin.  More or less, 'there is no wrong step, only the next 
step'.  I liked that.  It also brings to mind what Pirsig says about 
structure of the web in the AHP paper.  I think we circle around 
because it has always been there from the beginning.

 From a scientific or philosophic point of view, this all seems very silly.

Over and out.



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