[MD] Julian Baggini interview
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Wed Nov 1 15:55:05 PST 2006
Mark Maxwell 1-11-06: Hello Anthony.
Ant McWatt comments:
Hello Ian. :-)
Mark 1-11-06: Hello Anthony.
Hello Ian? Hello Mark surely?
Mark Maxwell continued:
No wonder i missed the interview on your site. One can easily visit
robertpirsig.org and leave with no idea there ever was an interview with
Pirsig in The Philosophy Magazine (TPM).
TPM is a respected philosophical source and i should have thought it to be a
superb advert for the MOQ to be associated with a high profile publication
a measure of the MOQ’s expanding reach. However:
There is no reference to the TPM interview on robertpirsig.org.
There is no link to the full TPM transcript either.
Neither TPM or Baggini are referenced as primary sources in the essay you
edited, which is a bit odd considering your academic training.
Ant McWatt notes:
This is because the MOQ Summary ultimately comes from a number of e-mails
sent to me by Robert Pirsig. These e-mails (together with some photographs
of Pirsig) were then forwarded on by me to Baggini for the material found in
“The Philosophy Magazine” and its related website.
Mark 1-11-06: I've got the timeline all to cock here.
You see, i thought Baggini interviewed Pirsig off his own bat for his own
magazine, and then offered you the transcript for robertpirsig.org.
I didn't know the Baggini interview is a fake interview compiled from
correspondence between you and Pirsig intended for an MoQ summery essay, which was
then passed on to Baggini.
In this case, it is Baggini who should reference you! No problems.
Mark Maxwell continued:
The full transcript is about three times longer. (Questions give it a flow
and tension between Baggini's position and MOQ responses. This is a rare
event.) At one point in the full transcript Pirsig acknowledges his
approval of the
questions and the manner in which they are being asked. If Pirsig approved
the medium i can't understand why it isn't available, whole, or as a link,
on robertpirsig.org.
Ant McWatt comments:
That approval of Pirsig’s came early on with Baggini’s initial questions.
Mark 1-11-06: How can Baggini ask questions if the Pirsig material was
passed onto him by you?
However, Pirsig and myself eventually concluded (after the whole interview
was completed) that the underlying attitude behind many of Baggini’s
questions wasn’t very positive. Hence, their absence from robertpirsig.org.
Mark 1-11-06: If the MoQ is going to make it it's going to have to face it's
fair share of negative attitudes.
Personally, i found it very useful to observe and learn how Pirsig disarms
such attitudes. The more strategies available the better. Surely?
As Horse put it to me, the interview reminded him too much of the
interviews of Jonathon Ross (a British TV interviewer who tends to be more
interested in listening to himself) rather than Michael Parkinson (a British
TV interviewer who tends to be more interested in listening to his guests).
It’s a pity the interview turned out that way though I did enjoy reading
many of Pirsig’s responses.
Mark 1-11-06: You will observe that, Wossy' is scared shitless by guests
such as Paul O'Grady (a quick-witted scouser) who make Wossy look like the
talentless git he is. In short, Wossy behaves himself in the glaring light of real
talent. In my view, Pirsig played O'Grady to Baggini's Wossy. Well done Sir
i say, because in the process, the MoQ was shown to have explanatory force.
Mark Maxwell noted:
Anyone wishing to see the whole transcript easily and for free is being
denied the opportunity.
Ant McWatt comments:
The Baggini interview is easily found via Google and, I said previously,
there is nothing else of philosophical interest in the e-mails that the
interview was derived from. However, as a compromise, maybe Horse can host
the “complete transcript” at moq.org which I can then put a link to from
robertpirsig.org. This would then prevent the duplication of the material
in the MOQ Summary (which did take considerable time to prepare) on the same
Mark concluded:
Thanks for clearing things up.
Ant McWatt comments:
My pleasure Mark.
Best wishes,
Mark 1-11-06: Well, things have got a bit more murky regarding who did what
and when and perhaps more importantly why?
But if Pirsig agrees to all this then there we have it.
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