[MD] Capitalism in all it's shapes

Stella Lindblom scurvy_elephant at bluebottle.com
Thu Nov 2 09:45:33 PST 2006

I think I got it. We didn't get very far in the discussion, but I learned  
some important things. Not the one's I had looked for, but others. It's  
see no use to discuss this further.

Capitalist thinking is one of the components in the founding of the USA, a  
part of it's essence. It's intertwined in it's culture and history in such  
a way that it is impossible to separate the two.

All cultures have a Story about themselves and about what is important and  
valuable. The US Story is "the self-made man", "the American dream",  
"freedom to money" and things of that kind. It's all about the right to  
get rich, the value of becoming Somebody (and Somebodies are  or always  
become extremely wealthy) and spreading the right way of living over the  
world because happiness may only be found in comsumerism.

But I'm not american - I don't belive in this, and I don't believe it's  
worth the while to discuss it further. Why? In trying to examine the  
foundations of capitalism and the distorted way we are dealing with  
valuables today, I have to de-construct "the american way of life",  
something that in turn is a part of the identity of being american. The  
values of society is part of our national identities, regardless of  
nationality, and anything I say against capitalism will be construed as a  
slur on America herself, and in extension, a slur on the identity of  
anybody believing in capitalism. So I stop here. I now understand that  
this is a question of theology.

No need to tell me things on-list as I will un-subscribe as soon as this  
message is posted.
If anybody feels inclined to contact me for whatever reason, it may be  
done off-list.


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