[MD] economic pragmatism

Squonkonguitar at aol.com Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Sat Nov 18 18:23:27 PST 2006

the MOQ is a pragmatic metaphysics. 

if something works keep it; if  it doesn't try
something else.

applying this to economics seems  sensible to me.
instead of relying on the 'divine' market (or any
other  ideological absolute) to automatically
self-optimise, maybe we should be  seeing what works
and what doesn't in different sectors.

for example i  believe food should be as fresh,
organic, local as poss. virtually all the  stuff in my
supermarket is neither fresh nor local, let  alone

health, education, housing...should these services  be
based on the profit motive? 

what alternatives can we think of?  what approaches are
suited to what products/services?

what  services/products are working well?

what services/products are not  working well?

interested to hear some thoughts

Mark 19-11-06: Hello Gav,
I've given this some thought before i was ever introduced to the moq  and the 
moq has provided a frame for looking at this afresh.
Here is a starter:
First off, Humans are evolutionary speaking animals, that is to say,  
biological patterns.
Therefore, these patterns should be supported as a matter of  necessity.
1. All biologically supporting requirements should be provided free: Food,  
water, health care, shelter, energy, and must harmonise with the  biosphere.
Note a: We need a Planetary population stable around a sustainable  volume.
Humans are the basis for a culture of social and intellectual  patterns.
Social patterns are imitated which implies a form of indoctrination.
Therefore the best patterns for imitating should be encouraged. These would  
appear to include the belief that 1 is basic.
2. Beyond that, caring for others, a distaste for violence, lack of  
territorial boundary, the encouragement of realising individual talents,  provided 
free, and must not destabilise 1.
Note b: We need a Planetary government which does not bias tribes.
Social patterns support intellectual patterns.
3. Information must be a free exchange provided free, and must not  
destabilise 1 and 2.
Note c: Religion must be replaced by an appreciation of the  undifferentiated 
aesthetic continuum.
That's my basic framework around which an economic pattern may be  developed.

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