[MD] tiny skull

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Tue Nov 21 03:15:51 PST 2006

At 05:40 AM 11/21/2006, you wrote:
>Hi Platt,
>the basis for the difference in behaviour of Ghandi and your average suicide
>bomber comes down to ancestry and education.
>Ghandi was a Hindu which is pantheistic; I imagine that life for Ghandi  was
>a near constant appreciation that 'Thou art that'.
>Your average suicide bomber though lives under the delusion though that thou
>art not Allah, and she believes that Allah will reward her for giving her
>own life for the cause.
>Still I think Ghandi and the bomber and Hitler were doing what they thought
>was best.

And those Buddhist monks that to stop the Viet Nam War lit their 
gasoline drenched bodies.


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