[MD] Flying Spagetti Monsters

David M davidint at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Nov 28 13:18:31 PST 2006

Hi Ham

Don't we grasp this as babies, i.e. when mummy
leaves the room she has left our shared universe to enter
a bigger one that transcends our experienced one, that is
shared and individual (only I can see things from my perspective,
no one else can occupy the time and space that 'I am').
At first we cry, then we get to handle it with less
anxiety. Then we hide things and only we know where
they are, hence discovering the inner universe.
And beyond these 3 universes is the possible, yet to
be experienced, present or even absent.

David M

> What do you see wrong with anthropocentrism?  If the world is your 
> reality,
> then you are the locus of it.  You create its beingness in time and space
> from the value you sense pre-intellectually.  The only question you have 
> to
> ask is: Why is the universe "universal"?  (In other words, why does 
> everyone
> observe the same universe?)  I think that can be answered by the fact that
> our values all relate to a single Primary Source, the differentiation of
> which is a cosmic (metaphysical) reality.

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