[MD] Buddhism's s/o

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Sun May 2 09:29:38 PDT 2010

Andre to nPlatt:
Hi Platt, I think you are a little unfair and unreasonable now. The phrase  'spiritual rationality' comes from Pirsig.

Where did Pirsig say that? Specific reference please. He indicated  just the
opposite in Annotations: "When you here the words 'spirit' and 'faith'
always look for a traditional religionist trying to sneak his goods in the
back door. Like the positivists, the MOQ drops spirit and faith cold."

Yes, I am going to put my foot in it but I am not going to spoon feed you. The quote is from ZMM:

Phaedrus went a different path from the idea of individual, personal Quality decisions...He felt that the solution started with a new philosophy, or he saw it as even broader than that... a new spiritual rationality...in which the ugliness and the loneliness and the spiritual blankness of dualistic technological reason would become illogical. Reason was no longer to be 'value free'. Reason was to be subordinate, logically, to Quality...'.

And here is the foot: it seems to me that you still do not understand the basics of the MOQ nor the path followed towards its fruition (with all respect Platt). Bodvar sees the Phaedrus of ZMM as totally different to the Phaedrus of LILA. To understand the difference you must grow with the person, and not become static after one book and think that the writer, after having completed the next book, has remained as static as you have been.

Reminds me of the flack Bob Dylan got in England upon his return when he had himself accompanied by a band (The Band). Half the audience booed Dylan for not living up to their (old, static) memories of him ( as the simple folksinger with guitar). He had changed and developed and matured...but obviously, a part of his 'fans' hadn't. ( 'play it loud'! he said to his band [ in defiance of that share of the audience]).

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