[MD] Reading & Comprehension

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Sun May 2 09:41:48 PDT 2010

Thanks for this Steve,

It is interesting how the term SOM gets mishandled through objectification.
You bring some needed clarification.  It's all in the "M" baby.

I might disagree with your concluding thought:

So even if you think that all hiking
> around in the high country is doing subject-object metaphysics,
> certainly the sophist who is applying all his reasoning skills trying
> to convince his coworkers to go out to Hooters is not doing
> metaphysics at all let alone SOM.

 Since all thought is dependent upon social acceptance (Rorty's
conversations) and since socialization occurs in mammalian infant nurture,
my Q'm" would posit a trip to Hooters as a highly sophist-icated
metaphysical enquiry.

Plus there'd be beer so we could probably get Arlo to come.

John the irrefutable

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