[MD] Pirsig's theory of truth

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Tue May 4 04:38:38 PDT 2010

Bodvar to Matt, DMB, Steve, Multitude:
I do NOT oppose that inside the MOQ quality has existed for ever but 
exists independent of the MOQ.

I'll throw myself into this and expect to be kicked in the bum if I 
represent it in a low quality way: yes and no Bodvar; the idea of static 
quality patterns was not given a chance to develop with the Greeks as 
the possibility of this was thwarted by Plato and Aristotle... unlike 
the insight into its implications and logical deductions in 'the East" 
based on empirical, immediate experience.

Instead, the subject/object postulated paradigm became the dominant 
intellectual pattern of value. As Phaedrus argues in ZMM... it is with 
Aristotle that the SCIENTIFIC understanding of reality was born...which 
took over and the dialectical, scientific method employed virtually 
destroyed Arete (Quality) [under Plato] and got a push from Descartes to 
widen the gap between mind and matter.

With ZMM and LILA the re-unification begins, the logical deductions are 
applied, the SQ part is introduced through the application of radical 
empirical insights and... loads of platypuses  suddenly disappeared.

And to include an answer to your question about the difference between 
direct and indirect experience: yes, indirect experience is employed in 
the West my friend (to make a huge generalisation). The West, in an 
effort to 'understand reality' adheres to hypotheses and postulates 
based on these hypotheses. Direct, pure experience is considered 
subjective and therefore superfluous. The 'East' finds out about 
'reality' not by checking hypothesized, postulated concepts but by 
immediate experience and from there builds its philosophy. Has done for 
thousands of years.

That is a huge difference which Pirsig, in combining these two 
approaches has accomplished... that is the man's brilliance.

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