[MD] No non-conversational constraints on justification

skutvik at online.no skutvik at online.no
Fri May 14 09:35:48 PDT 2010


13 May. you wrote:
> DMB has long seemed to me to be confused about what Rorty means by
> intersubjectivity and conversational constraints on knowledge as if
> there is something dangerously relativistic about his notion of
> justification.  I'll try to clear up the issue.

I have for some time tried to ponder what you and DMB were 
discussing without success,  this left me disgusted in addition.  
> Just as Pirsig's calling inorganic and biological patterns "objective"
> and social and intellectual patterns "subjective" was an attempt by
> Pirsig to continue to get some mileage out of the terms after dropping
> the subject-object picture, "intersubjectivity" is Rorty's attempt to
> make some pragmatic sense of objectivity.

The mentioned method of how the MOQ subsumes - or encases - the 
SOM is wrong IMO, the S/O distinction is contained within the 
intellectual level and all platypis goes POOF! - dissolves - by that 
realization . Why bother with Rorty in a MOQ context? And why his 
need for making "pragmatic sense of objectivity", doesn't he need to 
make pragmatic sense of subjectivity?     

> For Rorty, "what guarantees the objectivity of the world in which we
> live is that this world is common to us with other thinking beings.
> Through the communications that we have with other men we receive from
> them ready-made harmonious reasonings. We know that these reasonings
> do not come from us and at the same time we recognize in them, because
> of their harmony, the work of reasonable beings like ourselves. And as
> these reasonings appear to fit the world of our sensations, we think
> we may infer that these reasonable beings have seen the same thing as
> we; thus it is that we know we haven't been dreaming. It is this
> harmony, this quality if you will, that is the sole basis for the only
> reality we can ever know."

I'm disqualified in this philosophological dispute, but why bother with 
this arch-somish issue that the MOQ releases us from by rejecting 
SOM? And - phew - don't you know what MOQ's theory of truth is?    



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