[MD] e: Reading & Comprehension

Joseph Maurer jhmau at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 17 14:31:57 PDT 2010

On 5/17/10 5:36 AM, "Mary" <marysonthego at gmail.com> wrote:

> There is a difference between SOL (subject-object logic) and SOM
> (subject-object metaphysics).  I'm no historian, but think the emergence of
> SOM is what Pirsig sees in Socrates' and Aristotle's time.
> SOL is as old as the Biological Level and germinated from simplistic
> survival thoughts through rudimentary society on up to highly complex social
> and religious ideas until it finally outgrew even the Social to achieve the
> Intellectual Level we see expressed as SOM.

Hi Mary and all,
Imho: SOL (Subject/Object Level) is a metaphysics for evolution. DQ/SQ are
indefinable/definable reality.  Only poetic analogy and metaphor can focus
my attention in recognizing DQ.  SQ is a definable reality in 4 levels
inorganic, organic1, organic2, intellectual.  I prefer to see the
intellectual level as the only defined level in consciousness.  The
emotional level, the higher social and the higher intellectual level are
levels in DQ alone.  So what is evolution? Levels in existence describe
The Inorganic SQ, organic1 (cell splitting) SQ, organic 2 (penetration of
the egg cell wall by a sperm cell for reproduction) SQ, emotional DQ,
intellectual SQ, higher emotional DQ, higher intellectual DQ levels exist.
The social level is a combination term for the last four levels.  It is not
a precise formulation for a level of evolution necessary for the explanation
of MOQ DQ/SQ.  The individual is defined in all levels.  The individuation
necessary for the logic of evolution is not found in a social level.  The
social contract cannot precede the intellectual level.

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