[MD] How to Understand the MOQ

skutvik at online.no skutvik at online.no
Thu May 20 00:55:18 PDT 2010

Hi Steve

19 May. you wrote your witty steps and immediately there were these 
even wittier ones who added their points. However seriously,  this is 
what you get for not accepting the SOL interpretation that makes the 
MOQ internally consistent and unassailable, it hasn't wavered or been 
knocked down, can't be.  

>From your step Step 10:   

    "Criticizing the academic establishment for not being open to 
    the MOQ."  

the "MOQ-an-intellectual pattern" is the hidden parameter that makes 
for all confusion and frustration. Q-Intellect is academy itself and trying 
to press the MOQ inside one of its sub-levels is like trying to wrap up 
an article in too small a paper. About time you discovered this, but I 
don't think it will make any impression, you may disagree with DMB but 
you are both tied to the same (MOQ an intellectual pattern) mast and 
will go down with that ship.  


> Step 1: Read ZAMM and get excited about Quality

> Step 2: Read Lila and get confused about Quality but keep the sense
> that something really exciting is going on.
> Step 3: Come to moq.org and get further confused.
> Step 4: Rather than try to understand what Pirsig thinks, make believe
> that the MOQ is the same as whatever YOU think. After all, that is
> what everyone else at moq.org seems to be doing.
> Step 5: Keep arguing
> Step 6: Resign
> Step 7: Come back
> Step 8: Lather
> Step 9: Rinse
> Step 10: Compare someone who disagrees with you to a Nazi and join
> your fellow MOQers in criticizing the academic establishment for not
> being open to the MOQ (even though no two of the MOQers seem to agree
> about what the MOQ is).
> Step 11: Repeat while desparately trying to maintain the sense that
> something exciting is going on and that Quality will change the world.
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