[MD] The low quality of motorcyle noise

plattholden at gmail.com plattholden at gmail.com
Mon May 24 07:13:53 PDT 2010


"There is dignity in quiet things and quiet people, and gravity accrues to 
those activities mostly performed in silence: reading, praying, looking at 
paintings, standing in the woods. We equate loud noise with violence. Without 
loudspeakers, Hitler observed, the Nazis would never have conquered Germany. 
It's hard to imagine Gandhi astride a Harley."

So begins a review in the NY Times on three books about noise. Anyone subject 
to the din of modern life, including the roar of muffleress motorcycles, knows 
of wherof the author speaks. Whoever wrote, "Silence is golden" knew a thing or 
too about metaphysics. 

Bo recently observed that intellect "thumbs its nose at all social values," 
intellect's need for quiet to function insightfully being a case in point.

Those interested will find the review at:


Quality loves quiet. 


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