[MD] loopty-loop

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Mon May 24 12:11:28 PDT 2010

     "I begin with the simple fact that living beings, having been shaped by evolution, 
have survival as their most fundamental, automatic, and built-in goal.  To enhance 
the chances of its survival, any living being must be able to react flexibly to events 
that take place in its environment.  This means, it must develop the ability to sense 
and to categorize, however rudimentarily, the goings-on in its immediate environment 
(most earthbound beings can pretty safely ignore comets crashing on Jupiter).  Once 
the ability to sense external goings-on has developed, however, there ensues a 
curious side effect that will have vital and radical consequences.  This is the fact that 
the living beings's ability to sense certain aspects of its environment flips around and 
endows the being with the ability to sense certain aspects of itself."
     (Hofstadter, Douglas,'I Am A Strange Loop', p.73)

Here is the loopy stuff from my point-of-view.  As I'm reading, and it is getting interesting, 
I am well aware that all these works/sentences/paragraphs/chapters are analogy all 
the way down: s-t-o-r-y.   Weird!  The title, 'I Am A Strange Loop' is a perfect title.  


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