[MD] Reading & Comprehension

skutvik at online.no skutvik at online.no
Fri May 28 00:24:43 PDT 2010

Mary and Andre

I'm away from home and have to be short (for everybody's joy) 

Mary to Andre:
> I've said elsewhere I think that Pirsig's conception of the MoQ was the
> product of a high Quality thought process that's founded on SOM. In the
> beginning, at least, he used SOM to defeat itself.

Agree, it's more than clear that the Quality solution stemmed from the 
SOM pardoxes that scared and bothered the young Phaedus so much 
and as the passages on Poincarè and Einstein shows that solutions 
may come as a bolt out of the blue, but it is always a  PROBLem that 
triggers the reaction. God knows why this white-knightly Andre gets so 
exasperated over this simple fact. But bless him for his for caring for 
the MOQ.


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