[MD] socialism

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sat May 29 08:14:00 PDT 2010

On May 29, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Andre Broersen wrote:

> Ron to Arlo with regards to Marsha's 'attitude':
> I think you are asking a lot of an everchanging interrelated pattern of value
> to make a static fixed value judgement about anything.
> Marsha responds:
> I experience two MoQs, one as intellectual static patterns of value, the other as Quality(unpatterned experience and patterned experience.)
> Andre:
> You seem to be confusing the 2 perspectives with your actual experience Marsha. There is only ONE reality and only ONE MOQ.

Try this on for size.  Even the concept of reality is an analog, and I've got a million of them.   

> You, whatever you want to designate yourself as, use the one to hide from the other whichever way suits you.

You didn't answer my questions from your last post???   What you think I should commit to???  

> The power of the MOQ is that it fuses both and argue from there and not hide behind one from the other. There is no object and there is no subject...you seem to objectify intellectual PoV's whilst, as you should well know, these refer to an intellectual, conceptual interpretation of experience which is renewed every moment of your experience...and as you do becomes static. And you know, as well as I do where intellectual patterns emerge from...and where that emerges from... and that ...and that.

And you have been designated as the MoQ authority by whom???   Your understanding of the MoQ is your understanding of the MoQ.   Your explanation is not clear to me.     


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