[MD] grmbl

skutvik at online.no skutvik at online.no
Sun May 30 07:22:49 PDT 2010


I combine two of your "quips" here

> ...Intellect as = SOM. Your resistance now is more of a childish
> tantrum. 
> Are you finally ready to admit that the S/O way of analyzing
> experience, and (by implication,that this is therefore 'reality') is a
> Western intellectual pattern of value which is quite dominant...in the
> West?

No, I'm not ready for any of your nonsense. The intellectual S/O level 
cemented into SOM in the West, in the Far East it was transcended by 
the Q-like Buddhism before reaching SOM proportions. The Middle 
East however has resisted the intellectual movement till this day due to 
the cemented social pattern called Islam. They had a chance in the 
Islam heyday round year 1000 when liberal Sultans and Kalifs opened 
up for science and philosophy, but when this threatened Islam itself 
(what science & philosophy necessarily and inevitably do) 
fundamentalism hit back in the form of the order of the assassins and 
the rest is history.      



> > ...it was SOM's objective scientific approach...

> In the MOQ the activity of science is 'subjective'. It is considered
> part of  social and intellectual patterns of value. 

In SOM science (physics at least) is the subject trying to find the laws 
of objective reality. In the MOQ the "subject/object" distinction is the 
intellectual LEVEL ... in case you didn't know.   

To deem something subjective (even in quotation marks) tells a lot 
about your twisted understanding of the MOQ. To make science partly 
social  tells even more.


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