[MD] socialism

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Mon May 31 07:37:36 PDT 2010

On May 31, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Andre Broersen wrote:

> Marsha to Andre:
> I dislike making unnecessary judgements.  Keeping possibilities
> spontaneous and flexible is more my preference.  So again I ask
> you what kind of commitment are calling me a coward for not
> making???
> Andre:
> Since you are insisting Marsha, when I referred you to this site as the discuss of the MOQ, I expect contributors to share their ideas about interpretations/points of view/insights etc. with regards to Mr. Pirsig's MOQ It appeared to me that you, when 'confronted' by Arlo (for example)with some definite MOQ statements, you 'withdraw' in your 'undifferentiated ever changing' stuff...taking nothing seriously.
There are two points-of-view within the MoQ: unpatterned (dynamic) experience and patterned (static) experience, they are mutually dependent, and I may, no matter how paradoxically, consider both.   I do take this experience very, very seriously, at least when I am not ecstatically dancing.   That is all I need to say.  
> Already you are doing this, again for example in your statement to Mary regarding 'the fourth level is SOM all the way' at the same time you say that you 'hold the level structure lightly'.I don't know what this means. This can mean anything.

It means I think fourth level patterns are built on the assumption that reality contains subject and objects (formalized), but that I hold the level structure lightly, because understanding the nature of all patterns has had a far greater impact on my understanding of Quality.  

> I am simply asking you to either commit yourself to 'SOM (fourth level) all the way' and argue for it on this discuss, or commit yourself to the 'lightly' structure of this level and argue for this..to clarify what you mean by this. Both stances to be taken provisionally.

No.  I hold both and will stand by both points-of-view.  

> Thing is, you do make judgements, you do make valuations all the time (eg SOM all the way).How and when do you find out whether they are/have been 'unnecessary'? Our ground stuff here is the static discussion of the MOQ and if and when everyone here is only responding according to spontaneous and flexible possibilities no proper discussion is possible.

Oh sorry, I was trying to put the MoQ into life experiences.  Yes, every movement is an evaluation, but I don't like to make intellectual judgements when they are unnecessary.  Neither would I be too quick to call Lila a whore or you an asshole.   

> After all the MOQ is a static intellectual pattern of quality.

I understand the MoQ to be 1.) a static intellectual pattern of quality, and 2.) a symbol designating Reality = Quality(unpatterned experience/patterned experience) 

> Not sure if this makes sense.

Sometimes experience is beyond making sense.  



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