[MD] BeTteR-neSs (undefined or otherwise)

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 16:26:55 PDT 2010

Hi Platt,

Yes, it makes sense, things are supernatural until they are accepted, and
then become natural.  One difference between my interpretation and Pirsig
would be that I do not believe that Quality is actually inherent in a static
creation.  Quality is what creates the difference between static creations
or concepts.  In this way, the subject and object portions of the
description can be dropped, and Quality can be perceived on its own.

As a metaphor, imagine two boxers that are going at it, Paff! Bang! POW!
grUNT! ("Holy dentures, Batman!").  They grab and hug each other and appear
as a single mass of sweaty flesh, wobbling around.  In comes the referee
with a big Q on his chest and pushes them apart so that they can go at each
other again.  Furthermore, one boxer is called Yin, and the other called
Yang.  And what a match it is, so long as the rules are followed.


On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 3:38 PM, <plattholden at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dan, Mark
> I think your analogy is correct Mark. And like gravity, I see Dynamic
> Quality
> as a "natural force" as opposed to being some sort of a supernatural agent.
> As
> Pirsig points out, betterness can be measured by the decisions made by
> entities
> at all levels and especially humans every day by choosing what to buy and
> sell,
> not to mention whether to participate in a philosophy forum or not --
> choices,
> as Mark says, among static creations.
> Platt.
> On 1 Nov 2010 at 8:14, 118 wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> [Dan]
> Yes, exactly. Again, all we know is static quality. Dynamic Quality is
> what's better. Not one thing, not four things... not a "thing" at all.
> When we see something better, that is Dynamic Quality. But look for
> it, and it is not there. All we see are the static quality patterns
> left it its wake
> [Mark]
> Yes, I agree.  The same can be said for a force such as gravity.  We see
> what it does, leaving solar systems in its wake.  We measure how things
> interact, and we bring in a description of gravity.  It does not exist
> without that which it is acting upon.  One could state that gravity created
> such a phenomenon, or one could say the planets and sun create gravity, and
> both are right because they coexist, or co-create.  Quality is not directly
> measurable, its measurement is through the static creations.  For me, such
> static creations do not contain Quality in themselves, but are defined by
> Quality, which lies somehow in between two things of different quality.  As
> such, we can provide it description in the same way gravity is used to
> describe planetary motion.
> Thanks,
> Mark
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