[MD] BeTteR-neSs (undefined or otherwise)

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 20:04:58 PDT 2010

> Hi Ham, from Mark

Ham said:
... There are times when I feel compelled to speak out against ideas which
violate what I view as the most fundamental principles of reality, and
denial of the individual self is one of them.  The rejection of man's
spiritual quest in the cause of anti-theism is another.  We're all searching
for answers, but bashing the beliefs of others won't get us there.  And I
certainly have no desire to undermine the MoQ.

I do not see an bashing of MoQ, I see a different approach.  No way you
could undermine MoQ, not possible.  I could probably twist what you say into
MoQ speak.  All precepts and tenants can be interpreted in a variety of
ways.  This so called anti-theism is the creation of a ghost.  It is chasing
windmills, and the term anti-theist is nothing more than reactionary. There
is a sense of superiority where none is needed.  It is quite easy to paint
MoQ into the theist camp, and this has been done, but such suggestions are
superficial at best. I suppose the intent is to separate ones beliefs from
what others believe but the anti- term really does not provide much more
than say, not this, whatever this is.  A positive approach to any
metaphysics is more productive than proving what it isn't.

You provide a well thought out approach, and you know my difficulties with
it.  Value, Quality all the same thing.  How do we describe it?

Newcomer, Mark

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