[MD] BeTteR-neSs (undefined or otherwise)

Dan Glover daneglover at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 07:55:20 PDT 2010

Hello everyone

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 10:43 AM,  <plattholden at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 31 Oct 2010 at 18:23, Dan Glover wrote:
>> My answer to what is betterness is whatever improves responsivness to DQ.
> Dan:
> Yes I can go along with that. How do you improve your response to
> Dynamic Quality, if you don't mind my asking?
> Hi Dan,
> I try to remind myself to be aware of thoughts that come to me "out of the
> blue" so to speak. Not always successful because of the tendency to immediately
> assign such thoughts to what I already think I know, i.e., my static worldview.
> In painting, however, I react more to what I see rather than what I think. That
> seems to open me more to DQ's influence although even then, conformity to my
> own preconceptions of what constitutes "good" art gets in the way. If you have
> some ideas on how improve responses to DQ, I'd love to hear them. (Maybe the
> subject would be good for a separate thread.)

Hi Platt

When I am particularly vexed by some problem, be it how to fix the
small engine I am working on or how to get the story I am writing to
come out right, I do all the research I possibly can. I jot down every
possible solution in a little notepad I always keep in my pocket. Even
if it seems implausible, I jot it down anyway. I search the Internet.
I go to the library and read up on any similiar situations. I check
through old newspapers. It's amazing what one discovers. Then, when I
am super-saturated with knowledge, I just forget it all. That's why I
jot it down. So I don't have to remember. Then, I do something else...
anything, it doesn't matter. Sometimes days go by, sometimes weeks and
even months. But one day, out of the blue, when I am absorbed with
something else, maybe taking a walk and listening to the quiet or
sitting in the sun reading a good book, BLAM! Like a bolt of
lightning, I have the solution. I have no idea where it comes from.
But it is there. And of course I have my notepad handy to write it
down. Even if I am in the shower, I will towel off quick and jot it
down lest it evaporates.

It works for me and I have read where others have had success as well.
I can't say why it works but it does.

Thanks for asking,


> Best,
> Platt .
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