[MD] BeTteR-neSs (undefined or otherwise)

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 14:05:26 PDT 2010

Hi Dan

Since we've agreed to disagree, I would like to point out some
possible flaws in your thinking here, Ham. This subject-object world
isn't primary. It is not the source of our knowledge by any stretch of
the imagination. We have been trained to believe that a subject
observes objects and both are independent of one another, but it is
just training that makes it so. Quantum theory has shown that it is
impossible to measure an object without disturbing it... observer and
observed are linked... there is no independent observer.

Hi Dan,
Since you have invoked a link with physics, I would have to point out that
you do not have a good understanding of Quantum Theory.  Not all quantum
theorists would agree with the statement you make above.  It depends what
theory you are subscribing to.  So, a better way to put your statement is:
that Quantum theories suggest that observer and observed are intertwined.
 Be careful with your use of physics to support Quality, it can mislead the
public.  A reading on the current state of the art of quantum mechanics may
be appropriate.  It has grown since the days of Heisenberg.


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