[MD] BeTteR-neSs (undefined or otherwise)

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 14:34:53 PDT 2010

Hi dmb,
Some observations below.

[dmb says in response to Ham]:

Well, yes, history shows that visionaries are often rejected as heretics,
blasphemers or nut cases. But you're not understanding my criticism, Ham.
There is nothing innovative about your essentialism. In this postmodern era,
that kind of metaphysics is dead. You're asserting modern ideas and even
some pre-modern views in a postmodern world. The things you're saying have
been said many times already in the history of philosophy and the only
scholars who still cling to such things are the most conservative of
theologians. They are considered to be old fashioned and out of touch even
among other theologians.

I believe you have used this argument against me as well.  Let me say, that
this form of argument has no basis whatsoever.  You would probably argue
that Beethoven is not worth listening to because he is old fashioned.  This
would make a lot of music lovers into idiots.  MoQ subscribes to
philosophies which are ancient indeed.  Conservatism comes from seeing what
still works and sticking with it.  Modernity is not all it is cracked up to

It would also seem that you are part of the old guard here at MoQ.  If so,
perhaps you should let some new blood in so that it can continue to develop.
 It appears that factions are formed, the old against the new.  The easy
solution is to prevent new thought in and be conservative and stick with the
old.  That is of course up to the moderator.


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