[MD] BeTteR-neSs (undefined or otherwise)

Dan Glover daneglover at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 18:37:54 PDT 2010

Hello everyone

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 6:58 PM, david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Mark said to dmb:
> ...You would probably argue that Beethoven is not worth listening to because he is old fashioned.  ..Conservatism comes from seeing what still works and sticking with it.  Modernity is not all it is cracked up to be.  It would also seem that you are part of the old guard here at MoQ.  If so, perhaps you should let some new blood in so that it can continue to develop. It appears that factions are formed, the old against the new.  The easy solution is to prevent new thought in and be conservative and stick with the old.
> dmb says:
> So if I rightly follow your line of "thought", I reject old things because they're old but I am a member of the old guard who should make room for new blood because the easy solution is to stick with the old.
> Huh? What kind of hair-brained logic is that? How can I be condemned for being the old guard AND condemned for rejecting the old fashioned at the same time?
> And how do you figure that my opinion would suffer from working at it for a long time? Since when does experience and hard work count against a person? Are we supposed to honor the lazy and the ignorant, the unschooled knee-jerk opinion instead?
> It's not just that you and I have come to different conclusions or that we have different points of view. The problem is that you're just really bad at thinking in general. It's not just the ridiculous mess quoted above either. I've watched you "debate" Dan and it's really depressing. I find it impossible to believe that any institution of higher learning would grant you a degree. Hell, I don't understand how you ever graduated from high school. You're an idiot.


It is quite obvious to anyone reading Mark's posts that he lacks
quality in his thoughts, actions, and writing. If indeed he is what he
claims, it would be pretty sad. He doesn't even get names right. He
keeps calling Adrie "Andrie" even after being corrected. Yep, I have
to agree... he is an idiot.


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