[MD] Knots

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 19:51:54 PDT 2010


In the larger context of these remarks, Pirsig is saying that the history of
the 20th century can best be understood as a conflict between social and
intellectual values. In this particular passage, he is saying that
ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM is the key to understanding fascism in general and
Hitler in particular. The driving force behind fascism is "an all-consuming
glorification of social authority and HATRED of intellectualism". In that
sense, Platt, you have much more in common with Hitler than you do with

Oh, dmb, I forgot, we are talking with the smartest guy in the room.  Must
be difficult for you all alone there.   Go someplace where you are
appreciated, you are wasting your time here.  Well Guru dmb, please lead the
way, we bow down in your knowledge.  Yes, dmb tell us what is true, and get
a haircut for Christ's sake, dude.

Platt and I were sharing experiences, and who walks in, why it's dmb again!
 Must be difficult at a party.  I have had to deal with guys like you all my
life.  So, take a break will you?  These elections got you down?  Give Biden
a call, that will cheer you up, have some discussions at a higher level.

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