[MD] A Different Approach - Networks and Stacks

Horse horse at darkstar.uk.net
Sun Nov 7 03:07:10 PST 2010

  Hi Mark

As I was reading your post what popped into my head as I was trying to 
visualise what you were saying was a sort of network representation (I 
have a thing about DQ/SQ and the network approach!) with nodes as 
quality events and their separation as the arcs (vectors) between them. 
My visualisation was sort of multi-dimensional in order to accommodate 
the different forms of SQ (Inorg/Org/Soc/Int) and the way in which the 
levels emerge but against a background (container?) of DQ. So the 
combination is all-encompassing Quality.
Also, given a multi-dimensional approach this might also accommodate 
Magnus's Stacks idea with a network (nodes and vectors/arcs) based 
Does this add anything to what you're describing?


On 07/11/2010 07:33, 118 wrote:
> Recently I have been suggesting a description of Quality (Q) as "that which
> separates".  This is of course an analogy which provides a path to Quality,
> or in other words, a finger which is pointing towards it.  Such an
> interpretation emphasizes that which separates Static Qualities (SQ), rather
> than what they are.  The interpreted separation, which could also be
> approximated by Assigned Value (AS), is ever changing, thus creating a
> concept of Dynamic Quality (DQ).  When two things are compared, or two
> choices are contemplated, it is the difference between the two that is the
> intuited concept.
> Such a concept converts the objects or subjects themselves, and their
> dynamic interaction, to the Quality between.  Approaching the notion of
> Quality in this way, provides a shift in view or paradigm, that results in
> an evaluation of the cause rather than the product.  The degree of
> separation of good and bad concepts would be a function of that which
> separates them, or Quality.  This suggests measurement of Quality, but such
> a thing can be avoided by stating that such measurement is meaningless since
> the objects are not real in themselves but simply a function of Quality, and
> as such do not provide inherent characteristics for measurement.   The
> nonexistence of the things themselves could be imparted by describing them
> as geometric points, which are dimensionless.  Or like the borders of the
> combined DQ and SQ which are again without dimensions but only describe the
> limits of apparent Quality as it is applied to specific examples.  Personal
> or subjective sense of Quality would then become universal since it does not
> rely on our opinions of the things themselves.  Quality itself would remain
> untouched, as a primary (or absolute) creator.
> In a broader sense, one could describe the Chinese concept of Yin and Yang
> not as opposing dynamic entities, but rather ones which are separated
> through Quality.  Quality viewed in this way would approximate the Tao, but
> in a modern rational sense.  It provides a conceptual understanding of a
> description of Quality in both its static and dynamic forms, as well as an
> ineffable principle of separation.  The difference with Taoism is the
> empirical notion of direction, as with Time.  Time itself is a function of
> the pressure that (DQ) puts on change.  Such change creates static
> dissimilarities which result in preference.  Preference implies choice.
>   Such choice is directed by Quality, and could be seen as a vector with
> direction.  The vector is not one in dimensional space, but is in the
> metaphysical space of Quality.  The concept of betterness could be used as a
> description of that direction.  The magnitude of such direction on a time
> basis, is a direct result of the accumulation of dynamic quality.  Such
> accumulation is a result of harmonic tendencies of Quality's expression.
> In terms of the human mind, such separation results in the appearance of SQ,
> and the notion of DQ, as a result of the transfer of an infinite amount of
> information into simplified neuronal descriptions which appear isolated from
> each other.  Such descriptions could be seen as the tendency of Quality
> towards its static appearce.  The unifying factor is Quality, which is
> missed, because we do not consider this separation, only the descriptions
> themselves.  An analogy in physics would be something like a magnetic field.
>   If two magnets attract each other, the strength of that attraction would
> not be the result of the strengths of each magnet.  Instead, the strengths
> of each magnet would be created by the magnetic field as first cause.  This
> would be a flip in how the interaction between the two magnets is
> conceptualized.  In the same way, colors are different not due to some
> inherent property of the colors, but due to an inherent property of what
> separates them.  Two things appear differently due to the intrusion of
> Quality.  Since the objects themselves do not exist outside of this
> separation, Quality encompasses them and becomes the source of everything.
>   Another way to look at it is as the spaces between letters on a page.
>   Words are created by the white portion of the page, not the black.
> This form of description is not difficult to grasp in theory.  The
> difficulty comes from trying to conceptualize the world in this way because
> our training or education has been based on just the opposite.  Such a
> paradigm shift could happen slowly with practice.  One Zen practice is to
> stop labeling or naming things one sees, but rather to look between such
> things with a more holistic sense.  In the same way, the codependent arising
> of things could be simplified into the ebb and flow of DQ, or the tendencies
> of Quality.
> Just a rough thought, open for discussion if desired.  The intent is to
> provide a framework for easy transfer to the beginning student.  I'm sure
> there are many problems with it, at least in such a simple description
> Cheers,
> Mark
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