[MD] A konsept for dynamic quality

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 17:10:42 PST 2010

Author's note:
The word konsept should not be confused with the more commonly used
"concept".  A brief definition will be provided so that confusion does not

A konsept is used purely for the transmission of awareness from one being to
another.  Once used, it disappears and does not persist as an independent
entity.  Such a konsept should be considered as a picture and as such is not
convertible to less than a thousand words. This being said the words used
for the konsept are exempt.  With a konsept no further distillation or
explanation is needed.  If a konsept is received by the intended audience,
it is proper to respond with the phrases "Right on", or "Yeah cool", or,
"that's what I thought"  or "doesn't make sense", or any variations of those
but only using the letters that make up those four phrases.  In other words
responses that contain F or B or letters to end the word CRA do not have
meaning in this kind of communication.  konsepts cannot be used to demean or
belittle because that is a whole 'nuther word altogether.  As such, konsepts
arise from awareness, and represent an attempt at befriending through
bonding of common awareness, they cannot be used to create divisions or to
polarize.  That is also another word.  They are benign and have no force
behind them.  To be accepted by the recipient they must be pulled in, and
cannot be forced in.  "Pushing a Rope" is the term used for the latter.
 There are other restrictions and uses of the word konsept which can be
provided if needed.  For example many konsepts can be bundled and Zip
compressed together.  Such a thing is often referred to as a Konsept.
 However, there is much debate as to how many it takes, so much more
explaining is necessary.   Further details can be found at:
 Marksonlysites.com.  Once you have reached that web page, follow the links.
 Usually four or more consecutive forward links will provide the information
you are seeking.  This web site has been set up temporarily, and its
permanence cannot be guaranteed.  The author is not responsible for any
information that is acquired, you surf at your own risk.

So on to the konsept of dynamic quality.  (Many konsepts begin with "Imagine
if you will")

Imagine if you will, a broad ocean stretching from horizon to horizon.  From
a distance it looks flat and still.  As you move in, you begin to notice
waves, the bigger ones first.  These waves appear and disappear through some
mechanism.  Some waves are higher than others, some last longer.  But they
all return to the ocean, as others rise elsewhere.  As you zoom in, you will
notice smaller waves either between the larger waves, or as part of the
larger waves.  Some waves seem to collide and either disappear or grow
temporarily larger.  As you get even closer, one can feel the swelling of
the individual wave, up and down.  And you ask yourself, where do these
waves come from, and where to they go?  What determines how big or how long?
 The answers are not important for this, but the dynamic way in which these
temporarily static waves appear and disappear is important.

Note this is not a new konsept, but one found in the encyclopedia of
konsepts.  Copies can be provided if you provide enough money.

Any appropriate responses?


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