[MD] Is this the inadequacy of the MOQ?

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 18:53:54 PST 2010

Hi Tim,
In terms of your faithful-I.  Sometimes I think that the faithful I is
imaged through other.  That is another person.  You see this person and you
think that is like me.  At that point you look at yourself from that
perspective.  This could be considered self awareness in an objective way.
 Now, if there were no other, hard to imagine I know, the view of one would
only be outward, not inward.  The experience would be one of interaction but
without a subject.  Just a weird thought.

Sorry to intrude.  I am enjoying your conversation with A.


> [Tim]
> I might have used 'not-I' this way not too long ago.  But now I am
> thinking that in the process between mental and material, there is a
> faithful I, and there are then two processes (executed faithfully,
> somehow: by the good?).  M-process-"faithful I"-process-M.
> > [Alexander] In an empty
> > state
> > it seizes somehow to be, and you become unconscious. So this "self"
> > corresponds to any-thing which it perceives or to no-thing at all.
> >
> I have thought of this analogy, for what I am terming, at least for now,
> the faithful I, the mental I, and the material I.  From the MoQ the
> mental I and the material I are considered illusions... and the faithful
> I is not to be explained, it is, maybe, the I which partakes in DQ.
> Anyway, the analogy: imagine getting ready for work every morning, or
> similar.  Imagine that you cannot use a mirror (and that you are
> terrible at it, haven't done it yourself much, it is a new thing).  The
> I getting ready is teh faithful I.  But it has no awareness of itself.
> It merely is.  It can track no changes.  Etc. and Etc
> Now, imagine that you can photograph
> yourself after you have gotten ready, but you cant use the photo until
> the next morning.  The second day, you still have no mirror, so you
> don't know what happens now, but you can look at the pic from the day
> before.  For the analogy, I call the you in teh pic the material I, and
> it is teh you thinking what you did to that material I that is the
> mental I.  Over many days, perhaps you can 'tune' the mental and
> material to produce (a highly adequate version of) the goal of the
> 'faithful I'.
> It seems that reality might be very similar, except rather than waiting
> a day, you have only to wait a fraction of a fraction of  a fraction ...
> of a second - for the first parts of the image to arrive back (I am
> thinking more generally now; for the case of the getting ready in the
> mirror you get almost all the picture you care about at once, but the
> fall-out of most decisions comes back distributed over time).  DQ is not
> directly accessible because access implies process, and process implies
> ... (what happens if we follow our noses?)
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