[MD] Humanism

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 22:26:13 PST 2010

Hi Arlo,

I did not understand the use of the quote, as I stated in my questions to
dmb.  (hopefully you read my full response to dmb before attacking my
questioning).  If it was restating Pirsig's words, it was not made clear why
such a quote was used.  In addition, there was no explanation of why certain
words and phrases were used in that quote.  This is not acceptable, in my
humble opinion, from someone who claims any knowledge.  I can quote passages
out of the bible to support some theistic ideas, but I do not think that
would go over well in this forum.  I simply ask that if a quote is used, it
is explained.  As you know, I posted the topic and I was expecting some kind
of answer rather than the mindless post that was presented which was a cut
and past from some source he found online as he was surfing.  If dmb does
not want to seriously answer my question then he certainly can dismiss the
topic and stay out.  What he did was not appropriate.  I do not see any
value in presenting a quote from the internet to further a discussion.

There is no Quality in cutting and pasting words and then claiming they
speak for ones own beliefs.   I am fine if somebody presents an idea and
then supports it with a reference (a quote is fine).  Perhaps I get this
from having to present papers in the field of science and I am not used to
the way in which discussions are presented in the field of metaphysics as
simply a series of quotes.  If there is a deep understanding of Pirsig then
perhaps that could be share that with us.  From the post we are discussing
the response to my question seemed somewhat amateurish and uninformed.
 There was no hint of any understanding and certainly no Quality.  Perhaps I
expected more.  I am simply asking for some professionalism rather than the
trash that is presented as proof in answer to a sincere question.  I you,
Arlo. have a problem with that, then please explain why.

And please do not bring blasphemy or sacrilege into this, such a thing is
not becoming.  Are we not to question and analyze what Pirsig states.  We
are not disciples are we?  I am asking for an answer not a quote from
Pirsig, such a thing has very little value in a discussion.

By the way did you have something to say about Humanism, or are you just
here to cause trouble?

Does that answer your question?


On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 8:18 PM, ARLO J BENSINGER JR <ajb102 at psu.edu> wrote:

> [Arlo]
> You would prefer he use a closed encyclopedia? Which one? Do you have a
> better
> site for providing a common frame of meaning?
> For the record, and this is merely restating Pirsig's own words, DMB has
> probably the most coherent understanding of Pirsig on the list, along with
> Ant,
> Dan and Horse. I may disagree with DMB on a few points, but when I do I
> don't
> fault him for being consistent with Pirsig's writings.
> Since you are here, I gather, due to an interest in Pirsig, can you tell me
> where you think DMB is wrong about Pirsig? Or are you arguing with DMB to,
> in
> effect, argue with Pirsig?
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