[MD] [Bulk] Re: Humanism

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Sat Nov 13 19:20:04 PST 2010

dmb has no interest in discussing MOQ with any that have views other than his

You and Marsha are reaching new heights of absurdity lately. But this harkens
back to what I had said to Bo, you can agree or disagree with Pirsig, you can
say "Bob was wrong" and "Bob was right" and you can offer something you think
is better. But what "view" of the MOQ do you think DMB has? What DMB does, and
what Pirsig thanked him for in the DVD, is keeping the discussion honest about
what Bob meant. 

So disagree with Bob or DMB all you want, point out where you think they are
wrong, and what you think is better. This is how evolution of ideas occur. But
to conflate this into "views" is ridiculous. 

It appears from the bulk of your posts you take exception to Pirsig's comments
on theism. You are not the first. In the years I've belonged to the list there
have been a steady stream of religious apologists who have either tried to
"prove" the MOQ is a religion, or that religion someone sits above reason, or
that we should dismiss anything Pirsig said about religion and embrace a
Christian MOQ. And, since DMB agrees with Pirsig on this topic, this has your
ire and so everything DMB says you attack with inane retorts. 

He can quote Pirsig all he wants, it is meaningless to this discussion.

Its meaningless to provide Pirsig's words in a forum about Pirsig's ideas?
Please. The only reason I can see this bothering you is that you *want* the MOQ
to mean something and when Bob said something to the contrary it annoys you
that DMB brings it up to clarify Pirsig's position.

What other discussion group about a philosopher do you know where quoting the
philosopher is attacked? 

These kids have a superficial notion of things and it is the internet which has
done that.

I think more perverse is the notion that every post should reinvent the wheel.
As for the MOQ *and* philosophy, DMB demonstrates a far greater depth of
understanding and contextual knowledge than I've seen most anyone else here
contribute. Is it this authority that threatens you? 

The old guard is stuck, no more gumption, stuck.  

Not at all. The "old guard" is, however, likely tired of fending off the
perennial inanity beset by theist apologists and "anti-intellectuals" who try
to twist the MOQ into anything and everything except what Pirsig wrote.

If you think the old guard is stuck, praytell, what do YOU offer that's better?
Where do you differ with Pirsig, and what better do you offer instead?

At least Dan seems to have dropped out.  Maybe dmb will get tired of my

Right. Take the people with the best understand of Pirsig's works, drain there
will with ceaseless attacks, and the cheer when they get fed up and stop
interacting with you. 

I'm not sure why you think this is a good strategy for learning about what
Pirsig wrote, but its very telling.

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