[MD] [Bulk] Re: Humanism

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 14:14:15 PST 2010

Arlo, old friend.  I wonder if you'd mind quoting the source on this.  I've
racked my library and scoured Lila, ZAMM and all the writings of Pirsig
within my grasp, but nowhere is dmb mentioned in the holy writ.  Perhaps the
apocrypha then?

> Since Pirsig seems able to understand from DMB's writing that DMB has a
> deep and firm grasp of his ideas, do you think maybe the problem is on your
> end? I mean, when Pirsig points out that DMB is one of the foremost
> philosophers of the MOQ, and YOU think his understanding of it is shallow,
> wouldn't this lead a normal person to think that maybe its in them that the
> problem lies?

I've heard the claim myself, by others whom I trust, so I'll take y'all's
word for it, but in my experience, I'd have to side with Marsha.  Nothing
dave has produced on this forum so far has impressed me much.  Maybe he said
some things at one time that were real important and impressive, but I've
yet to witness any cause for such enthusiasm.

But on the other hand, ya gotta appreciate his enthusiasm for Pirsig and
James and his devotion to the cause... so there's that.  But Quality in
thought and expression?  Not so much.

> I am not about to pulled deeper into your carnival mirror, Marsha, its
> evident that you have unrelenting hostility towards DMB, and that no matter
> what explanations or evidence he offers, you dismiss it before it even
> appears. I have seen him try repeatedly, in lengthy posts, to explain things
> to you and you simply pretend like it never happens. This is a psychological
> issue, not an intellectual one.

I tend to examine such questions in the light of social patterns, rather
than framing them as psychological, but that's probably quibbling with terms
because most of our psychological drives, our emotions, have to do with
group acceptance, rejection or battles to win allies and defeat enemies.
Even intellectual battles take on that socialized patina, as a veteran of
faculty meetings such as yourself, could surely attest.

I could go into this deeper.  Lord know I love to intellectually analyze
social patterns.  Do it all the time, but it always seems to get me in
trouble with my friends.  And I've found something I very much treasure on
this list - friends!  So I'll refrain for now.


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