[MD] [Bulk] Re: Humanism

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Tue Nov 16 18:56:38 PST 2010

It's interesting tho, isn't it Arlo.  Now we can see where the Shia and the
Sunni started fighting.  Where the differing schools of Buddhism arose.  We get
to observe and participate in the pattern which interprets the found and breaks
into factions.  Fascinating indeed.

I think this is (mostly) a healthy process. If everyone agreed, evolution (of
ideas) would stop. Disagreement is the sand in the oyster that produces the

Until demonizing overtakes reasoned debate, and both sides start firing rocket
launchers at the other (and not metaphorical ones). Let's hope we are not at
the schism of future global violence that pits one nation's armies (those
believing intellect!=SOM) against another nation (those believing

I'd definitely admit he's not just "one voice".  I guess I'd call him, THEE

I was pointing towards Bakhtin's notions on ventriloquation, which I think is a
very strong and useful metaphor, but yes, within this particular discourse
community (or discourse narrative) Pirsig is indeed a "keystone species".

I'm not sure if you were part of a related discussion I had on this with Matt,
but anything I could add has already been said better in his brilliant essay,
so as I did recently to Mark, I'll point you towards this (in case you haven't
already read it).


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