[MD] a-theism and atheism

Ham Priday hampday1 at verizon.net
Wed Nov 17 10:52:24 PST 2010

Hey Mark --

> You are stating propositions that contradict my ontology.

> No, this was just a sidetrack, to play around with perspectives.

I'm a literalist, so you'll have to tell me when you're playing with me and 
when you're serious.

> If Quality is primary, this does not divide Essence, it just gives it a
> different name.  By stating that there is somethingness and nothingness
> this also creates division, no matter how much you negate it, you still
> need a negator.  Springing into existence doesn't just happen, at least
> not according to rational thought.

If Quality is primary we don't need Essence!  Would it make you happier if 
we call Essence Quality?
According to Pirsig, Quality divides (or is divided) into patterns.  That 
makes it differentiated in my book.  You're right, of course, that 
Sensibility/Otherness represents a division.  But it's a division by 
nothingness, which makes it phantasmagoric (a phenomenon of appearance) as 
opposed to real.  How can observation by a non-entity confirm a substantive 
universe?  The appearance we accept as physical reality is only a 
fractionated image of Essence's value.  It comes and goes like a flickering 

All the order and symmetry that (we imagine) exists in this world of 
appearances is but a finite representation of the essential "design".  You 
can call THAT "Quality" if you wish; I can find no word to adequately 
describe it. WE impose the grandeur of that design, along with our own 
nothingness, on the sensory data that comes to us through experience.  The 
"material world", in other words, is a valuistic synthesis of cognitive 
sensiblity, organic sensation, and metaphysical nothingness.  Only the Value 
is Real.

> And yes, you are right, I am still working on your ontology.  I was 
> reading
> the mechanical garden again, but then got sidetracked into Principia
> Cybernetica, which I guess is no longer around.  But I was curious on
> how to make a computer into a philosopher.  Anyway, I'm getting back
> on board, and the ball is still in my court.  What is it love-love?
> I'm going to get some new balls, hold on.

Principia Cybernetica is still in business; it has simply changed its URL to 
http://pcp.lanl.gov/  There's an "annotation" of mine in that site under 
"Freedom", if you are of a mind to read it.  Just type this address: 

Is "what is love" a real or a rhetorical question?  Yes, methinks it is due 
time to have your balls replaced.


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