[MD] Modern American Humanism and MOQ

craigerb at comcast.net craigerb at comcast.net
Thu Nov 18 00:02:23 PST 2010

[American Humanism Manifesto]

*Knowledge of the world is derived by observation, experimentation, and

rational analysis.*

.[Craig, previously]

> I can't see how anyone could disagree with this,

> except a thorough-going skeptic.


> Personally, I'll take the skeptic label. Royce and Pirsig…built their 
> systems very logically upon a deep questioning that examines all.

Skepticism as questioning, si. Skepticism as denying knowledge from
“observation, experimentation, and rational analysis”, no.


*Humans are an integral part of nature, the result of unguided evolutionary change.*

[John]> If evolution was unguided, then how

> did molecules become chemistry professors?

By evolution.  That the evolution was “unguided”, just means the evolution was a result of the
 interaction of the “molecule(s)” & their
environment--no third party is presumed to have had a role.


*Working to benefit society maximizes individual happiness.*


> Thanks, but I think I'll maximize my individual happiness the old

> fashioned way. A day at a time and working to benefit my family. 

Yes, one can go thru life listening to only the music s/he can produce,
 experiencing only the art s/he can create, eating only the food s/he 
can grow, getting medicine only from the bark of trees, having sex only 
with oneself.  And if that person is not good at dealing with society, 
this may be the maximum happiness s/he can get.  But this is not 
generally true of most people.


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