[MD] Rorty and Mysticism

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sun Nov 21 01:35:33 PST 2010

On Nov 20, 2010, at 3:11 PM, John Carl wrote:

> Hi Marsha,
>> I'd say the experience is to realize first-hand the nature of the mind.
> John:
> Yes, that is kind of what I'm saying.  What choice do I have?  I'm always
> realizing first-hand the nature of mind.  It's just what  I do, from moment
> to moment and day to day, without effort or taking lessons.  If I stopped,
> then I'd be somewhat removed from myself, and experience mind second-hand,
> right?  But that seems to be the tricky part to me.  That part that would
> take such work!   Experiencing mind first hand is just "doing what comes
> naturally." with no effort at all.
> Of course, I get accused a lot of being lazy, but oh well.  That's a first
> hand experience also!

Are you tap dancing?  

>> No
>> independent, "real" self and no independent, "real" objects.
> John: 
> There can't really be any self, independent.  There is only
> self-in-relation.  I agree completely.

No independent, "real" objects?  

>> And isn't the
>> MoQ pointing beyond a reality based on self and objects towards a reality
>> based on Quality.  Well, nothing beats seeing if for yourself.
> John:
> Nothing, of course, except maybe a really nice MLT, Mutton Lettuce and
> Tomato sandwich where the mutton is sliced nice and thin and the lettuce is
> real crisp and fresh.--  Miracle Max.
> I've been enlightened before, it's not brand new to me.  Alan Watts, Steve
> Asma, Gary Snyder,Pirsig and a wonderful compilation of the works themselves
> Roaring Streams, they all pointed pretty much to the same moon.
> What I wonder, sometimes, is the value of seeking more fingers, more
> explanations, more words.  Or even  the good ol' words, over and over again
> as dmb is fond of quoting like a child afraid of getting the wrong answer;
> how much repetition is needed?  I mean, would "neti-neti-neti" be of more
> value than "neti, neti"?
> I dunno.  To me, time is precious and oughta be lived afresh in every
> moment.  Emphasizing a certain set of words ad nauseum, doesn't sound like
> my idea of a quality life.

Marsha offers:

> If you ordered
>> 'Mind In The Balance', it will be explained by one very knowledgable about
>> this type of insight.  Mine would be the explanation of a bug.
> And yes, I did finally figure out my wife's ordering sytem, and the book is
> on the way . :-)  Busted!  I feel "like a movie cartoon character who has
> just walked beyond the edge of a cliff but hasn't fallen yet because he
> hasn't realized his predicament."  Obviously I am seeking, I am here.
> Onward realization!  Interpretive skills perhaps.  How to come together.
> Understanding and coming into accord with others.  Absolute Pragmatism
> smells like something to me.  Something good.
> And you always smell good too, Marsha, when you let anybody's nose get close
> enough.

I've had men swoon to theirs knees from the mystical, fragrance notes that I've 
chosen to play.   ;-)    

> Yours,
> John


Marsha, the umbrella 

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