[MD] a-theism and atheism

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Tue Nov 23 15:00:13 PST 2010

MOQ should not hit a dead end because of a few individuals.

On the contrary, I think the efforts of Ant and others, including Horse, DMB,
Dan, Matt, Khoo...  and David Granger, and of course Ron DiSanto and Tom Steele
and Henry Gurr (who I forgot to mention last time, to my chagrin), and Matthew
Crawford, are doing more for enriching and evolving a Quality Metaphysics than
95% of the noise that masquerades here as "interpreting" what we know Pirsig
"meant" above his own protestations otherwise.

By definition, of course, "the MOQ" cannot hit a dead end. Evolution happens.
You can't stop it. That's the theme of the MOQ. Things get better. No
"individual" is capable of stopping this. But the greater narrative will move
forward, as people respond to Pirsig's voice in the dialogue with their own
ideas, their own thoughts about where he was right and where he was wrong.

DMB cannot stop you, Mark, from offering something you think is better than
what Pirsig offered. If Bo's ideas are truly superior to Pirsig's, then they
will "win out". If you think a "theistic MOQ" is superior to Pirsig's
"anti-theistic MOQ", and people agree, then that is the path evolution will

The only "dead end", as I see, is the continued need to validate
"interpretation" through the lens of legitimizing authority. As long as
"contrarians" think the best path is to "prove" Pirsig "really meant" to agree
with them, even knowing that when he said otherwise he is just a
"weak-interpreter of his own ideas", then I see the narrative forever stalled.

But, sadly, we rarely see legitimate dissention here, even Bo failed and ran
from the idea that he should have to demonstrate why his ideas are better than
Pirsig's, instead forever trapped in arguing that his ideas ARE Pirsig's
(Pirsig being too dumb to see this). People want to prove that "Pirsig's MOQ is
theistic", as if Pirsig was too dumb to see what his ideas meant, instead of
articulating why a theistic MOQ is superior to the anti-theistic MOQ offered by

Even you, Mark, for the life of me I can't figure out where you think Pirsig
was wrong, and what you are offering instead. I read your posts and I see you
condemn "the old guard", but I can't see anything you offer in their place, let
alone something "better". If I missed that, perhaps you can take a moment to
give me the bullet points.

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