[MD] Intellect on trial

Platt Holden plattholden at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 15:12:57 PST 2010

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 3:44 PM, david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com>wrote:

> dmb says:
> Yep, that's why it's so objectionable to extend free speech rights to
> corporations. Democracy gives voice to the people, not to money. God, gold
> and guns have had there turn and their rule does not serve democracy or
> intellectual freedom. But that's right where we find ourselves. We now spend
> more on our military than the rest of the world combined. Thanks to the
> "Citizens United" case last January, corporations can spend as much as they
> like on elections and they're allowed to keep it secret. Add that to the
> free-speech rights of monied interests and you got a recipe for anything but
> democracy. The government will take what ever shape money wants. Even while
> middle class continues to shrink and the foreclosure and unemployment rates
> reach new heights, last quarter was the most profitable period in the entire
> history of American corporations. They're getting rich by destroying the
> country.

I see no reason why corporations shouldn't have the same right to contribute
to political campaigns as unions or any other individual or group. In fact,
corporations are morally
superior to unions in how they raise money. Corporations earn it; unions
coerce it.
To leftists, corporate profits are dirty words. But, to freedom lovers,
corporate profits
not only account for rising living standards but provide vital support to
the educational
establishment. But, it's an old story. Instead of gratitude, bite the hand
that feeds you.

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