[MD] Rorty and Mysticism

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sat Nov 27 13:18:45 PST 2010


What year did he make these statements? 

dmb said:  
And when we finally met, about two minutes after he walked into the pub, that's the first thing we talked about. He was not offended. Quite the opposite. He's grateful for my efforts, he thinks I'm hilarious and he called me his "body guard" - several times. 


On Nov 27, 2010, at 3:40 PM, david buchanan wrote:

> Marsha axed:
> When was you last meeting with RMP?  What year?
> dmb says:
> This year (2010). Why do you ask?
> If you're trying to suggest that the kind words from Pirsig were written in a private correspondence or that it's just hearsay, it just isn't true and I'd never do that. We exchange e-mail when I have questions but none of that gets quoted here. (His answers tend to keep me from wasting time on dead ends and wild goose chases, which is extremely helpful.) 

> The quotes come from published material, namely the footage from Liverpool in Ant's documentary and the website of Pirsig's publishers in England. I figure that's fair game because it's already out there. Until a few days ago, my wife is the only one who knew about the Oxford quote. Seems like it wouldn't mean much anywhere else but here and I've been taking beating from hostile people like yourself ever since he said it over a year ago, so I snapped. And there it is. You've turned me into a terrible braggart. Thanks a lot.
> I guess there is literally nothing in the world that can be said by anyone to persuade you about this. So why ask any questions. You're not curious or perplexed or interested in anything I have to say. You're just looking for more trouble. I can smell it. Just leave me alone, will you? I don't want to play those little games.


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