[MD] a-theism and atheism

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Sun Nov 28 18:16:38 PST 2010

Nice try to avoid the issue. Compare the human misery resulting from the
actions of big business and big government from the 1890's to the present,
including workplace conditions in factories and concentration camps.

Avoid the issue? You'd be funny were such distortions not so obvious. My
original point, which you as usual have twisted into something about the Nazis,
was that the conditions by which the majority of people live are far better
today than they were during the 1890s. And a large part of that improvement are
the controls placed upon by the social level by intellect, from workplace
safety laws to literacy programs and public education. And last I checked, it
has been a long time since an American river caught on fire.

The Nazi's were, of course, anti-intellectual, and they rose a wave to power
manipulating xenophobia, anti-media fear and anti-academy rhetoric. To even TRY
to equate workplace safety laws with the holocaust shows only how pathetic you
are, and how confused, but I'm sure such nonsense gets applause on talk-radio.

"Communism and socialism, programs for intellectual control over society, were
confronted by the reactionary forces of fascism, a program for the social
control of intellect." (LILA)

"This conflict explains the driving force behind Hitler not as an insane search
for power but as an all-consuming glorification of social authority and hatred
of intellectualism. His anti-Semitism was fueled by anti-intellectualism. His
hatred of communists was fueled by anti-intellectualism. His exaltation of the
German volk was fueled by it. His fanatic persecution of any kind of
intellectual freedom was driven by it." (LILA)

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